Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Baby grew in liver??

Okay, that sounded really gross, so of course I followed the link.

The BBC isn't afraid of the weird

This is the phenomenon known as ectopic pregnancy. Usually when these are discovered the baby is aborted because the doctors figure the baby won't survive and will put the mother at risk.

Well, when it's in the fallopian tube I guess that would be rather dangerous. But this is proof that such babies can survive. I think we should concentrate on making sure that more such babies survive. Well, it'd be even better to make sure ectopic pregnancies don't happen in the first place. (Those implants that are supposed to prevent fertilization? Bad idea!)

Don't know that this exactly counts as a miracle per se, but a lot of people do view birth in and of itself as a miracle. And this is definitely an unusual birth.

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