Friday, December 28, 2007

Is it a miracle?

Sometimes, you just can't know if something really is a miracle or not.

That's miracle as in supernatural intervention for the good. This is the meaning usually used in a religious context. Technically speaking, though, miracle only means 'something wondrous'. That definitely counts in this story:

Battling Back from Poverty: A Christmas Miracle

This family was in desperate straights. Sick kid, bills up the wazoo, no money... and I though I had it rough.

You know what I really want to know? Where all those trash bags full of stuff came from. They had everything the family needed, plus Christmas presents. And whoever it was paid all their bills for the month.

Who was it? It's just amazing that this happens right before the family finds out their baby is going to live.

But more important than that is what they did with their lives afterward. It's a very heart warming story.

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